Thursday, 27 February 2020

Post Card for Prime Minister

Postcards are a fun way to keep in touch with loved ones back home, let them know where you are and what you’re doing, without feeling the need to check your Facebook messages or your emails.
As a part of English curriculum, students made post card. They have written a message to Prime Minister shri Narendra Modi.

They have learnt the format of post card which includes name of a receiver, address of receiver, PIN, sender's name and a postage stamp.
They enjoyed writing a message to PM and thanked him for making INDIA clean and better for them.

Monday, 24 February 2020


As a part of science curriculum, topic Sound was introduced with the help of a live examples and Guess the Sound video.
Kindly find the link below.

Reading in your Mother Tongue

On the occasion of International Mother Tongue language day, students of pre primary enacted and read the story in Hindi. The name of a story was- जीव- जन्तुओं के घर. Students enacted the story which tells about houses of animals, such as monkey, lion, birds, turtle, fishes etc. They also found the similarity between animals and us is we all have different kinds of houses which we built.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Faster or Slower

As a part of science curriculum concept of push was incorporated through investigating cars speed. 3 Toy cars ( car A, car B, car C )were given to 3 different students where they gave samall push, medium push and big push to respective cars. Students noted down their investigation in workbook and learnt how cars moved when given 3 different types of forces.

Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Happy Birthday Savreen!!

May you achieve all Your dreams and kiss success in all walks of life. 

Happy Birthday to you. 

Monday, 10 February 2020

Long 'e' (ee)

Morning Assembly

Morning assembly was conducted by students of Pre- Primary. Topic was taken from English Unit-7 that is Make- believe. Students told the meaning of Imagination and make believe their own things. Students explained that where they want to go. For example they want to go to Australia to help kangaroos from fire.... they also made conclusion that we can do anything with our imagination, also imagination is a very powerful tool....they ended up assembly with their dance.

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Hickery Dickery Dock


Pushes and Pulls are forces. Forces can speed things up, slow things down or make things change direction or change shape.
As a part of science curriculum, students played Tug Of War. One team on each side pulls harder, the rope will begin to move towards the other team, making other team Lose. The forces becomes unbalanced and the direction of movement is the same as the direction of the larger force.