Sunday, 29 March 2020

Greetings from Times of India

Greetings from Times of India!!

We have collaborated with Penguin India on our TOI Student Facebook Page. It's a New Day, New Author, New story activity. 
Everyday at 6.30 pm, a popular author will come online and do an activity for kids/teens for half an hour. We have uploaded the news and agenda on our website and on the FB home page.

Subaha Sharma(Times Of India)

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Hear the sounds..

Loud or Soft Sound

As a part of science curriculum concept of sound from imusical instrument was given from trans-disciplinary activity.

Musical instruments work by amplifyimg vibrations. The body of the instrument resonates and amolifies the noise, making it louder. Students observed that how each instrument works by blowing, plucking or striking it.
They also investigated that which Instrument makes a loud sound or a soft sound. As we move away from a sound, it gets fainter.