Pre School- Revision of sounds "oa, ee/or" was done.
Pre Primary- Page 66 of students Book and Page 44 from Workbook were done.
Pre School- Revision of sounds "oa, ee/or" was done.
Pre Primary- Page 66 of students Book and Page 44 from Workbook were done.
Pre school- Listening Activity was conducted. Revision of Group 4 sounds was done.
Pre Primary- Listening Activity was conducted.
pre school- oral test was taken of group 1 words.
Pre primary- ‘The small bun’ story was completed of Unit-7
PRE SCHOOL- Revision of Group 3 sounds was done (‘ o’ and ‘u’ sounds).
PRE PRIMARY- sentences of these- those was done in notebook.
As part English curriculum, Group 1 Blending Activity was conducted with the help of Sound Cards of s, a, t, i, p, n. They arranged the sound cards to make a meaningful word.