Sunday, 20 February 2022

How far will it roll?

 As part of science curriculum students performed the following activity to investigate few objects that how far will it roll! They made a slope with book or board to observe that rounds things further as compared to others.

Valentine's Day Celebration

Students celebrated Valentine's day with online class activity, they were given pear deck slides in which they edited each slide according to the questions given, eg. decorate the mail box, make a poem, edit heart doodle etc.

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Push Pull- Pre Primary

 As part of science curriculum, students made flash cards of push and pull. They look around and observed things whether it moves with push or pull, stick flash cards on objects.

Pre school- arranging the alphabets

 Students got the Upper case letters’ flash cards and kept in a box. Then, took flash cards and arrange in order.