Thursday, 31 August 2023

Sounds Cube- Pre school

Identifying letters is an important skill for children to develop because it forms the foundation for learning to read and write. When children are able to recognise letters, they are able to start connecting them with the sounds they make, and this is essential for reading and spelling.

 Phonics cube was used for recognition of Group -1 sounds. It's a group activity and students threw a cube on table and rest of the kids performed the action of that sound and it's sound. Students were encouraged to perform the activity and later they enjoyed the game. 

Vrikshabandhan (Pre Primary)

All days have specific semblance to the pattern of life we lead.

Rakshabandhan, it is the bond of love , care and protection that brothers and sisters promise to each other.

How about living it in another way as well!

The students of Cambridge segment of the school( class P.S to 8th) tied a thread to the Tree Trunk today strengthening their bond with nature. Little enthusiastic children along with the teachers of the class tied threads to the tree trunks in groups. They hugged the tree and said  said 'We will protect you and care for you, and thank you for the food and air'
Children enjoyed the activity and understood the relevance of it.

Thursday, 17 August 2023

Healthy and unhealthy food sorting- Class 1

Students of class 1, brought 1 disposable plate and few healthy and unhealthy food items cut outs. Cut outs were taken from old books, magazines, primary plus and newspapers. This topic is part of their Lesson 6- food we eat, Eating Right. students were asked to mix their cut outs with their partners'. Then, they both sort healthy and unhealthy food items. A Line was drawn on their plates, that is one side for healthy items and the other side for unhealthy items. Students then pasted accordingly. 

This Group activity helps students to understand the concept, sharing of thoughts with their partners and doing work collectively. 

Fiction and Non fiction- Pre Primary

As Part of English curriculum, students were taught about 2 kinds of books, that is fiction and non- fiction. The concept was understood with videos and with the books they brought for reference. On first day, we discussed their books, whether it's a fiction or non fiction by using our knowledge (given earlier). Students enjoyed looking into their books and sharing their thoughts with their partners. 

On the second day, Learners came in front and telling the whole class about their book. For eg- Hello friends, My name is_____ and I have a fiction book or I have a non fiction book.