Friday, 10 September 2021

Nutrition Week- Pre Primary

Nutrition week is celebrated in 1st week of September. Students of class pre primary performed in 2 activities that is- Guess the food and salty potato experiment. In guess the food activity children were given riddles related to food and asked to tell that whether the particular food is nutritious or not. 

In salty potato experiment, children kept 2 bowls of water and asked to add 1tsp of salt in 1 bowl, after that they were given the cut potatoes and place the same with cut side down in 2 different bowls for 25- 30 minutes.  

Observation: the salt water draws water out of the potato, causing it to shrivel. 

Application: Salty food and drinks make people thirsty and these items should only be eaten occasionally.

The class was ended with a note that it is necessary to eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits. Also to include pulses in diet to stay fit.

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